Located in Kanwal Medical Complex, next door to the public and private hospitals of Wyong and Tuggerah respectively, well situated to serve the residents of the Northern Central Coast of NSW, where there is a continually growing population. There is also an aging demographic with a prevalence of chronic disease.
The Central Coast clinic was our initial stand-alone clinic, established in 2016. The focus was conducting studies in primary care and vaccines, expanding now to take on more specialist studies such as Gastroenterology and Dermatology.
Central Coast Clinic
Suite A8
Kanwal Medical Complex
654 Pacific Highway
Kanwal NSW 2259
1300 742 326
Paratus Clinical is located within the Kanwal Medical Complex which is located next to Wyong Hospital. It can be accessed from Wyong via the Pacific Hwy, The F3 via Sparks Road, Toukley via Wallarah Road or Charmhaven via The Pacific Hwy. We provide Participant onsite parking free of charge which is easily accessed from the Pacific Highway.
Paratus Clinical is located adjacent to Wyong Hospital and is easily reached by public transport with a major bus hub and train station located within easy commute to the clinic.
Use the NSW government trip planner to help plan you transport:
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